
Entry Level A.T.M.
Circa 2000-2001
Small scale automated teller machine (A.T.M.) designed for use inside a variety of stores, from convenience through to restaurants and cinemas. Created to give personality to the standard A.T.M.

Rendered production CAD data.
Created to help illustrate the personality of the concept (dynamic views) and to explore surface textures / finishes & colour.

Initial sketches alongside further developed versions.
Explored the option of integrating a header advertising board (Topper) to the concept.

Foam prototypes.
Created 1:1 to evaluate design, proportions, functionality and interaction.

Production mouldings and powder coated steel chassis assembled for the first time. Illustrates a design modification / change - moving from the lower cost (less reliable) cash dispenser to the more expensive automatic dispenser. This presented money at the perfect angle safely and reliably.

EON DESIGNS : Portfolio (1997-2024)
Ian Balmain Hewitt - Industrial Designer

Senior Lecturer - Northumbria University
BA(Hons) Design for Industry