Original sketches created circa 1999 / 2000 used for the creation of an Adobe Photoshop rendering exercise. Built to show colleagues how to create simple visuals whilst still in the early development stage of the design process.

Additional design iteration and modelling details prior to translating and building the new model within the Fusion 360 environment.

Final Model.
Rendered within the Fusion 360 environment, experimenting with lighting and materials.

Model Rebuild.
Following the first build, A rebuild of the model using the original sketches as an underlay to more accurately replicate the profiles. (Work in progress test renders before creating and applying textured finishes. High gloss helped to evaluate surfaces and edge catch light details.)

Playing with the environemt.
Royalty free licence model from Turbosquid (kitchen) was imported into Fusion 360 and used as a full scene alongside the rebuilt toaster concept. (Textures applied to main body to give a low spark finish.)

Light & Dark.
Further experimentation within Fusion 360, pushing the lighting and material rendering capabilities.

Final part of the whole learning experiment / tutorial resulted in exporting the original model into Slicer (Slicer for Fusion 360) a stand alone application that allows you to slice up the model into a number of profiles, print, cut out and slot together, forming a quick and fast prototype to assess scale and proportion.